Return to Campus Guidelines for Clarkson College students, faculty & staff
View COVID-19 Response Guide for Individuals with Symptoms, Diagnosed Positive, or Exposed
Summer semester is underway, and I am extremely proud of how everyone has persevered learning and working in the midst of uncertainty. During this pandemic, Clarkson College graduated 124 health care professionals in May! This demonstrates the continued dedication of our students, faculty, and staff, and commitment to our overall Mission as a College.
As our communities begin to open-up, I encourage you to continue to do your part in reducing the spread of the coronavirus. As you return to campus, you will notice signs posted to remind you of best practices including symptom identification, social distancing (6’ apart) whenever possible, and proper infection control. The College will also continue its extra effort in cleaning high touch surfaces and spaces more often and supply hand sanitizer for your use. Students and employees will need to bring and are required to wear face masks (cloth acceptable) for lab/skills activities, and when utilizing the Testing Center. Students, faculty, and staff can choose to wear a face mask throughout other areas of the campus depending upon comfort level. When wearing face masks be sure to follow the proper donning, doffing, and laundering or disposal procedures. Please note, at this time the College is not mandating the use of face masks in all areas of the campus, and we continue to ask everyone to live our Value of Caring by being respectful of the personal decisions of others. Lastly, we plan to host another Town Hall meeting inviting the College community for a Q&A session in the middle of June. A calendar invite will be sent to you.
Below is a guide for the Clarkson College community on what to do when individuals within our campus begin to experience symptoms, are diagnosed positive or become exposed to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Response Guide for Individuals with Symptoms, Diagnosed Positive, or Exposed
As Clarkson College moves toward a more populated campus the following will be the standard process and response to when an individual is symptomatic, diagnosed positive or exposed to COVID19.
If there is an identified or suspected case of COVID-19 on campus, the Clarkson College Executive Leadership Team (ELT) will identify the level of exposure within campus and appointed designees will notify anyone who may have been exposed. Depending upon the exposure level, the College will isolate the location(s), close the College (or areas within the College) for a period of time for deep cleaning, and communicate with the campus when the College (or areas within the College) will resume on-campus operations. The Director of Facilities will contact Environmental Services to schedule the deep cleaning of all areas with possible exposure. Clarkson College Leadership and the COVID Task Group will work with the exposed individual(s) regarding the necessary actions to take.
- Please send all media requests to the Clarkson College Marketing Department.
- Protection of student and employee identity is critical. Confidentiality of student and employee names must be maintained and there should not be written or verbal communication about another student or employee’s health condition, quarantine status, etc.
Standard Process
1. Symptomatic or COVID-19 Positive
Individuals would be considered symptomatic if they exhibit any of the following: Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, chills, cough, body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
If a student or employee is symptomatic or tests positive for COVID-19, they may return to campus after a 14-day quarantine per the guidelines below:
- Follow the 14-day self-isolation guidelines and consult a health care provider.
- Individuals may or may not be tested based on health care provider recommendations.
- Remain at home and practice social distancing for 14 days.
- Students who are symptomatic or confirmed positive with COVID-19, need to contact their program director and fill out the Student Quarantine Self-Reporting form on the website at
- Employees who are symptomatic or confirmed positive with COVID-19 need to contact their supervisor and human resources and fill out the Employee Quarantine Self-Reporting form on the website at:
- Within the quarantine timeline, you must be fever and symptom free (without the use of fever reducing medication) for 24 hours, and 10 days post initial symptoms to return to the Clarkson College campus.
- Students will need to complete the return to Clarkson College release form, and students returning to clinical need to also follow the clinic site specific return to work guidelines
- Employees will need to complete the employee return to work release form.
2. Close Contact
Symptomatic or Positive Contact
Individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 through “close contact” (less than 6 feet without PPE) with someone who has tested positive or is symptomatic may return to campus after a 14-day quarantine per the guidelines below:
- Potentially exposed students and employees who are asymptomatic should remain at home and practice social distancing for 14 days.
- Students should contact their Program Director and fill out the Student Quarantine Self-Reporting form on the website at
- Employees should contact their Supervisor, Human Resources, and fill out the employee quarantine Self-Reporting form on the website at:
- Employees and students should self-monitor for symptoms such as: fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, chills, cough, body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
- After the 14 day quarantine period, if you remain asymptomatic you can return to campus after completing the following items:
- Students will need to complete the return to Clarkson College release form through the COVID Task Group, and students returning to clinical need to also follow the clinic site-specific return to work guidelines and program-specific handbook requirements.
- Employees will need to complete the employee return to work release form through Human Resources.
Asymptomatic Contact
If you were in close contact with an asymptomatic individual who is in self-quarantine for exposure to COVID19:
- Employees and students can continue to come to campus however, should self-monitor for symptoms such as fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, chills, cough, body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
- If symptoms develop, they should follow the symptomatic guidelines in #1.
***Important Notes***
Confidentiality: Protection of student and employee identity is critical. Confidentiality of student and employee names must be maintained. Disciplinary action may be taken if a student or employee has verbalized (oral or written) about another student or employee’s health condition, quarantine status, etc. Clarkson College requires that all medical information remain confidential and should not be discussed with others.
Student Progression: Please work with your faculty to complete course requirements while not on-campus for required classes, testing, or other services. You will be offered reasonable accommodations including flexibility with deadlines, alternative assignments and testing delivery, additional faculty assistance, etc., and the ability to receive an incomplete in the course, if necessary. If further accommodations are required please contact the Accommodations Coordinator at:
Employee Reminders:
- Employees who are asymptomatic and self-quarantining due to close contact can still work in a remote capacity. If you develop symptoms or test positive, please contact Human Resources immediately.
- Employees who are symptomatic or have confirmed positive case of COVID-19 will need additional flexibility in their remote work schedule and work assignments, and may need additional support (i.e. FMLA, additional leave, etc.). If you need further assistance, please contact Human Resources.
Thank you for your continued diligence in following the guidelines and processes set forth for the health and well-being of all Clarkson College community members. We often refer to Clarkson College as a family. Now, let us continue to take care of each other and give each other grace as we walk through this unprecedented time together. I continue to be inspired by all health care professionals including our current students, faculty and alumni as they work to help those who are in need in today’s environment. Have a great semester, enjoy some sunshine, and take a moment to give thanks for all the good you see around you each and every day.